Based in Los Angeles, Kelley and Gavin Brodin are a dynamic duo who merge their personal and professional lives into a partnership titled Formed For. Together, they channel their boundless energy into exquisite indoor and outdoor sculptures. Kelley and Gavin transform private estates and public spaces around the world into extraordinary showcases, with masterpieces that transcend art and reflect their unique vision.


HOW IT WORKS / Gavin and I work together – our creative process is deeply collaborative, and I often conceptualize bold, provocative themes while I weave in thought provoking meanings that push the boundaries of social and esoteric norms. Gavin brings these ideas to life with meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of form and texture. – KB

MATERIAL WISE / Our favorite design elements to incorporate into our sculptures are the contrasts and harmonies we find between natural and industrial materials. We love working with metal and stone, blending the raw, rugged textures of these elements with delicate, intricate details. – GB

SHOW STOPPER / We designed a 50’ tall mirrored stainless-steel sculpture, ‘Kissing Lovers,’ as a public art project. We’re proud of this piece not only for its towering size, but also for its meaning and thoughtful details that elicit interaction. It encapsulates the essence of love and inclusivity, transcending gender and orientation boundaries and the deliberate ambiguity of the figures’ gender is a statement, representing the universal nature of love, regardless of who one loves. – KB

WHAT’S NEXT / We’re very excited to be collaborating on a sculpture called ‘Pod,’ with the artist ‘Lefty Out There.’ This beautiful 7’ tall, egg-like mirrored stainless steel sculpture contains his signature polymorph design that when lit at night is cast upon the surrounding environment. – GB


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